Review and Win Contest
  1. Go to and Write a Review of your favourite product.
  2. Every week, Best reviews are selected based on their quality and usefulness. Best Reviewers will win Flipkart vouchers worth Rs. 500 each.
  3. Maximum 4 Winners will be announced per week.
  1. Multiple entries allowed. The more products you review, the higher your chances of winning.
  2. Product review more than 100 words will only be eligible for the contest.
  3. Reviews are judged by our editorial team on the basis of their quality, originality and usefulness to the buyer.
  4. Reviews will be compared within categories. For example, all reviews for mobile phones will be compared against each other while all reviews for refrigerators will be compared against other.
  5. Winners of the contest will be announced on this page and our Facebook and Twitter pages. Winners will be personally notified by email.
Useful Tips to write great Reviews :

So Keep Writing and Keep Winning ! GOOD LUCK !

Write a review at price-hunt and win